Adam Hall Cables 7126
Артикул: AH-7126
- Вес: 0.067 кг.
- 99,61 руб.
- Бесплатная доставка от 25 000 руб
- Отправка товара в течении 2-ух дней
- Скидки постоянным клиентам
- High quality transmission due to large conductor cross section
- Excelent shielding provided by AL fleece and drain wire
- Small diameter for perfect match with XLR, RCA and jack connectors
- Product type Bulk Cable
- Colour Black
- Weight 0,067 kg
- Type Twin Cable
- Line surge impedance 100 Ohm(s)
- Jacket material PVC
- Capacitance 120 pF/m
- Center conductor cross section 0.22 mm
- Overall diameter 5 x 10 mm +/- 0.2 mm
- Center conductor material Copper, OFC
- Center conductor construction 28 x 0.1 mm
- Number of internal conductors 2 x 2
- Line resistance 85 Ohm(s)
- Shield material Aluminium fleece
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