Adam Hall Cables K 4 IRR 0900 FL
Артикул: AH-K4IRR0900FL
- Вес: 0.1 кг.
- 1 421,55 руб.
- Бесплатная доставка от 25 000 руб
- Отправка товара в течении 2-ух дней
- Скидки постоянным клиентам
- Pro quality instrument cable
- Low profile 6.35 mm pancake plugs with gold plated tip
- High-end unbalanced cable with double shielding
- Uncolored signal transfer with extended frequency response
For low profile connections, this 9 m cable features our 7525 shallow depth 6.35 mm right angle pancake plugs with gold plated tip. The cable used is our flexible 7117 high-end instrument cable with finely stranded 0.75 mm conductor and low capacitance for detailed, uncolored signal transfer and extended frequency response. Dual shielding prevents handling noise and electromagnetic interference.
- Product type Pre-assembled Cables
- Colour Black
- Weight 0,1 kg
- Type Patch cable
- Length 9 m
- Connector 1 Angled Jack Plug
- Connector 2 Angled Jack Plug
- Cable diameter 7,0 +/- 0,2 mm
- Capacitance 88 pF/m
- Center conductor cross section 0.75 mm
- Surge Impedance 39 ohm/km
- Gender of connector 1 male
- Poles of connector 1 2
- Contacts of connector 1 gold plated
- Manufacturer of connector 1 Adam Hall
- Model number connector 1 7525
- Gender of connector 2 male
- Poles of connector 2 2
- Contacts of connector 2 gold plated
- Manufacturer of connector 2 Adam Hall
- Model number connector 2 7525
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