Adam Hall Hardware Imageboard 9.5
Артикул: AH-049IBXXXX
- Вес: 18 кг.
- 22 577,90 руб.
- Бесплатная доставка от 25 000 руб
- Отправка товара в течении 2-ух дней
- Скидки постоянным клиентам
- Print any type of graphic on a standard birch ply panel
- Company Logo for Corporate Identity conformity
- Photo printing for unique & creative flightcases
- Repetitive patterns – stylish looks and easy handling
- Exotic colours – Make Flightcases in any colour you want
- No minimum order quantity
- Birch ply panel in 7 or 9.5 mm thickness
- Product type Wood and Twin-wall Sheets
- Weight 18 kg
- Material Birch Plywood
- Type Wood panels
- Front surface digital printing with protective coating of transparent UV varnish
- Rear surface stabilizing foil
- Board width 2500 mm
- Board height 1250 mm
- Board thickness 9.5 mm
- Front colour individual printing
- Rear colour Black
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