Adam Hall Hardware 37501 S
Артикул: AH-37501S
- Вес: 0.39 кг.
- 1 318,63 руб.
- Бесплатная доставка от 25 000 руб
- Отправка товара в течении 2-ух дней
- Скидки постоянным клиентам
- with soft wheel with ball bearing
- silent running
- Product type Castors
- Weight 0,39 kg
- Height 27 mm
- Type corner-mount castor
- Cabinet material aluminium
- Material thickness 2 mm
- Wheel diameter 75 mm
- Set consists of 2 pcs.
- Mounting hole diameter 5.1 mm
- Construction swivel castor w/o brake
- Wheel material polyurethane
- Wheel colour transparent
- Bearing type ball bearing
- Rated load per set 100 kg
- Width wheel rim 24 mm
- Width tread 6 mm
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