Bralo 55944821
Артикул: AH-55944821
- Вес: 0.003 кг.
- 5,59 руб.
- Бесплатная доставка от 25 000 руб
- Отправка товара в течении 2-ух дней
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Special rivet to use with soft materials and therefore perfect to use with sandwich materials such as astroboard. The mandrel of this rivet is made of a softer alloy so the mandrel will break off more easily and as a result the contact pressure is lower compared to a standard rivet. The strength of the assembly is the same as it is with a standard rivet (2,000 N sheering strain / 2,700 N tensile strain).
Also available in black upon request.
- Product type Fittings
- Weight 0,003 kg
- Type Rivets
- Clamping width 12,0 mm
- Rivet diameter 4.8 mm
- Rivet length 21 mm
- Head diameter 9.5 mm
- Head height 1.1 mm
- Mandrel diameter 2.75 mm
- Load capacity (sheering strain) 2000 N
- Tensile load 2700 N
- Rivet material aluminium
- Rivet alloy AIMg 3.5
- Mandrel material steel
- Mandrel surface nature
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